
Introduction | Dr. Steven Shu | Advisors | History | FAQs | Contact

VISION: To become a specialized surgical mission organization that contributes to the wellbeing of the people in Haiti

MISSION: To provide accessible and quality surgical services to the Haitian patients with filarial hydrocele and the other diseases.

Surgeon Volunteers is a non-profit and non-religious medical volunteering group founded in 2017 by Dr. Steven Shu. Our aim is to build a platform for the Chinese American physicians to participate in the international mission and share their personal mission experiences.

Surgeon Volunteers currently focuses on the medical mission in Haiti, and it has establised two surgical mission programs, the Make Men Smile® hydrocele surgery program and the primary care program.

By partnering with New Hope Hospital, Cap Haitien and Higgins Brothers Surgical Center, Fond Parisien, Haiti, we are able to treat many Haitian patients and bring health and happiness to them. Make Men Smile® program focuses on hydrocelectomy for the Haitians who suffer from lymphatic filarial hydrocele, thus help them regain their self-esteems, sexual lives, and labor ability. Make Men Smile® welcomes medical professionals with surgical skills and anesthesia providers to be part of our team.

By partnering with No Scalpel Vasectomy, Inc (NSVI), Dr. Shu participates its vasectomy mission that helps to reduce the over growth population problems in Haiti.

We also train local Haitian doctors to perform hydrocelectomy and no scalpel vasectomy, so they can carry on our missions continuously for the Haitian patients.